3rd Division-
Judge Sandy Huckabee
Trial Court Assistant: Margaret
Court Reporter: Donna Wood
301 N. Center St., Suite 302
Lonoke, Arkansas 72086
(501) 676-3090
(501) 676-3093 (facsimile)
Offices of the Third
Division of the Lonoke County Circuit
Court are located on the third floor of
the Lonoke County Courthouse, 301 N.
Center St., Suite 302, Lonoke, Arkansas
72086. Judge Huckabee holds drug
treatment court. He, also, hears
criminal and civil cases.

Sandy Huckabee - Circuit Judge
Judge Huckabee was elected Lonoke County
Circuit Judge – Third Division and
entered judicial service on January 1,
2009. Prior to entering judicial
service, Judge Huckabee was in the law
practice for over twenty (20) years,
including service as a prosecutor in the
the United State Air Force Judge
Advocate Corp (1988-1992), and
subsequent private law practice as an
insurance defense counsel, general civil
law practitioner, and was certified as a
mediator in civil/family law with the
Arkansas Alternative Dispute Resolution
Commission. Judge Huckabee is a member
of the Lonoke County, Arkansas, and
American Bar Associations.
Margaret Uzzell - Trial Court
Mrs. Uzzell efficiently manages the
disposition of cases filed in the Third
Division. Mrs. Uzzell maintains the
Court calendar, sets dates for the trial
of cases and hearing of motions, and
performs other related duties as
required by the Court. Mrs. Uzzell
previously served in the 23rd Judicial
Circuit as a Trial Court Assistant
(First Division) and as a Chief/Deputy
Clerk for the Lonoke County Circuit
Clerk’s office.
Donaa Wood - Court Reporter
Mrs. Wood transcribes proceeding of
trials and hearings set in Third
Division, and maintains the exhibits
from said proceedings. Not all
proceedings are transcribed. For those
proceedings which are transcribed, a
copy of said transcript is available
upon request to Mrs. Wood and payment
arrangements have been made with Mrs.
Wood for said transcription. Mrs.
Wood has previously served in the 23rd
Judicial Circuit as a Court Reporter
(First Division).
What are treatment
A treatment court is a highly
intensive, hands-on program of
supervised probation and rehabilitation
for people addicted to drugs and
alcohol. The purpose of treatment court
is to help the addict recover, reduce
criminal activity and return the person
to a productive lifestyle. Participants
to treatment courts must admit to
addiction, have a non-violent criminal
history and meet other conditions of the
program. Each participant has been found
guilty by the Judge of having committed
some non-violent crime. A major
requirement of treatment courts is that
each participant will stop using drugs
and be drug free. Drug tests are
performed routinely but randomly to
ensure compliance. The Judge meets with
each participant weekly to hold them
accountable for their actions. Persons
who graduate may be entitled to have
their criminal record sealed. Persons
who do not graduate or meet the
requirements may be sent to prison by
the Judge.
Lonoke County operates
two treatment courts; a drug treatment
court for eligible, non-veteran
participants, and a veteran’s treatment
court for eligible, veteran